Zohaib Khan is a public health specialist with a doctoral degree in Public Health (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Bremen. Khan also holds Post-Doctoral certificates in Tobacco Control Research from the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology- BIPS, Germany and the University of York, UK. He is currently the Director of the Office of Research and an adjunct Associate Professor of public health at Khyber Medical University, Pakistan.
Khan’s research focus is predominantly on epidemiology and control of NCD’s and their risk factors and social health protection in Pakistan. He has authored more than 50 research publications in high impact factor journals and is an editor of the foremost journal in tobacco control “Nicotine and Tobacco Research”. Khan Co-Leads the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded research programme “CONTROL”, addressing TB and mental health multi-morbidity in Pakistan. He is also co-leading two German Govt funded implementation research projects on Social Health Protection in Pakistan. Khan is a Co-Investigator in a Global Health Research Centre “IMPACT” funded by the UK NIHR, and is also co-investigating the effects of tobacco advertisement and promotion on adolescents in Pakistan, with funding for the UK Medical Research Council. He is also in receipt of funding from the Health Research Institute of Pakistan, to explore mental health issues in the Trans-gender communities of Pakistan.
Khan has been an active sportsman throughout his life, representing his college and university in hockey and cricket. He is an avid supporter of the Arsenal Football Club in the UK and does not miss any opportunity to watch his favorite football club playing.